Grandma + Grandpa time

Experience unforgettable moments together

Bookable in the period from: 08.03.2025 - 30.03.2025

Grandma + Grandpa time

Your feel-good vacation with the grandchildren

Your benefits at a glance

  • Free overnight stay for children and teenagers (born 2011 or later) with two full-paying adults
  • Anti-stress back massage for grandma and grandpa - the perfect time-out to leave everyday life behind and recharge your batteries
  • 4 nights in the studio with separate children's room
  • 57 hours of childcare in the Kids.Club - fun for the kids, time out for grandma and grandpa

Why “Grandma + Grandpa time” is the ideal choice:

  • Relaxation for grandparents: unwind with a back massage and enjoy undisturbed time for yourself.
  • Unforgettable experiences with the grandchildren: Spend precious moments with the little ones, be it on a hike together or a cozy dinner.
  • Carefree childcare: The loving care at the Kids.Club ensures that your grandchildren are well looked after while you can spend your free time as you wish.
  • Family-friendly accommodation: The separate children's rooms in your studio offer enough space and privacy for grandparents and grandchildren.

An unforgettable family vacation at an attractive price

Price for 4 nights: EUR 1,940.00 in a studio

Enjoy this special family vacation at a fair price and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Important information for your booking

  • If booked services, such as ski passes for children, are not used, there will be no refund or price reduction.
  • This exclusive offer can only be booked in the period from March 8 to 30, 2025.

Secure your time out with the grandchildren now

One click to your carefree winter break.

Your time out at the Wilder Kaiser

Enjoy your winter vacation at the Wilder Kaiser with the grandchildren.
We look forward to seeing you.